I love articles like this one. There are so many great ideas in this PetaPixel post that I just had to share share it.
Every studio photographer should have a toolbox full of little trinkets and tools that help make your like in the studio easier. Mine has off-cuts of mirrors, clamps, really small silver pins (great for getting jewellery to stay in place), and a host of other things that have come in handy at so time or another.
This article offers some tips that are just genius. They aren’t really the small things that you might keep in your studio toolbox, but they are every bit as helpful. Can’t believe I had never thought of using those rubber door stops for keeping a backdrop in place!!
Here is a list of the items they recommend you have. Go and checkout the article (linked below) to see exactly how they are put to good use:
- Transparent rubber bands
- Wine Boxes
- IKEA Pegboard
- Shelf Rails and Wood
- Metal Clips and Magnets
- Shoe Rack
- Elastic Ropes and Clips
- Door Stopper
- Silver Reflector Backdrop
- Neon Tubes and PVC Corrugated Roofing Sheet
Do you have any clever tips and tricks that you use in the studio? Be sure to let me know in the comments below.