I found this article this morning and thought I would share it as it has some useful information.
Whilst I have often posted how you can get away with not using a neutral density filter it is still best to use one if you can. There are some interesting options here that I had never heard of before – I guess that is one of the downsides to living in what is a fairly small market.
When I first started out my foray into the world of neutral-density (ND) filters, I was more than a little intimidated by the various types and brands out there. What was the difference between the brands? Why are some so expensive and some so cheap? Which one should I get?
The four filters put to the test are as follows:
- Gobe 10-stop ND (Twin Peak version)
- B+W XS-Pro MRC Nano 10-stop ND
- NiSi Nano IR 10-stop ND
- Breakthrough X4 6-stop ND
The Breakthrough looks really interesting and I will definitely keep an eye on the brand going forward. I do agree with the author’s findings and agree that comparing a 6 stop ND filter to a 10 stop ND filter is somewhat unfair when comparing the colour accuracy of the filter.
Head on over to the article below to find out more about the four filters, the test conditions, and the author’s thoughts and recommendations. And, if you have any of your own thoughts about these filters, or filters in general, then feel free to get in touch via the comments below.